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The South West Lacrosse committee is excited to announce the continuation of funding opportunities for the South West Region. As part of the SWL committee's development plan we are giving players and clubs the opportunity to grow and develop the game of lacrosse within the region. Applications will be accepted at any time and the committee will aim to return with a decision within 4-6 weeks from the date of submission.


There are 2 funding opportunities available:


1. Club Small Grants and Covid Recovery Fund


Clubs can bid for up to £500 to help them to deliver a project that will expand existing activity or kick start new activity, or to help them with plans to grow their club after the decimation caused by Covid-19 and the 19-20 and 20-21 seasons. There is no constraint on what the funding application can be used for, but a few examples could include equipment, coaching time, facility hire or Covid-19 'Return to Lacrosse' equipment. You will need to be clear about the need for the project and how the funding will impact the development of the sport in your area. You will also need to include a statement about how you will record/measure the impact of the grant to be able to report back to the SW committee.


You can download a copy of the Application form here and then please email the completed form to 


2. Workforce Bursary


Individuals within the South West Region will be able to apply for a bursary to contribute towards the cost of a coaching or umpiring course - normally 50%. These bursaries can be applied for in advance or be retrospective. The individual must complete and pass the course before the funding is released. You will be required to explain why you feel you need the bursary, and what impact this will have on your club.


Please note that all coaches and officials must be registered with English Lacrosse. The Workforce Bursary will only cover the cost of the course and individuals will be required to pay the registration fee themselves.


Please check the England Lacrosse Website for up to date information on courses in the Region.


You can download a copy of the Application form  here and then please email the completed form to

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