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South West Lacrosse Committee 22/23

Following nominations and voting at the AGM, we are delighted to announce your current committee is:

Chair - Heidi Marvin

Secretary - Victoria Westwood

Treasurer - Kate Nelson-Lee

NLC Rep - Charlotte Williams

Head Umpire - Annabel Campbell

Schools Rep - Tia Hislop

Senor Regionals Rep - Chloe Watterston

Senior League Admin - Victoria Westwood

General guru and wise voice - Clare Stoot

Our huge thanks to all outgoing members of the committee - Michelle Bray, Sally Keogh and Sara Benbow - for their unstinting work on behalf of the region over many years. Your contributions have been greatly valued and you will be missed!

And an equally huge welcome to our new committee members - Charlotte Williams, Annabel Campbell and Tia Hislop - we look forward to working with you in the forthcoming months and years!

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