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The story of Aberystwyth University Lacrosse began back in the year 2001, starting as a small mixed team. Since then, the club has not stopped growing, now with a full men's and women's team, both in BUCS and South West Women's Lacrosse Association league.

Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two legs, challenging, competitive and highly addictive.

You can rest assured with experienced coaching staff to teach you our passion, so If you are willing to work hard, but still game for a laugh, we want to hear from you. Whether you have played before, or never even heard of lacrosse, if you want to give it a go then come and play for us - we welcome everyone!

The club and it's members have won many awards over the years, including Club of the Year 2011 & 2016, and since then several members have been awarded University Colours for their service to the club and the Activities Union at Aberystwyth University.

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